#9–Nars Makeover

When you look at my friend, Mindy, you don’t think, “Wow! She sure douses her face in product.” No, she radiates health, youth, and cleanliness. In fact, Mindy skillfully layers cleansers, toners, sunscreens, primers, and foundations illuminating her inner radiance. (I … Continue reading

#5–Fishing in Sheepshead Bay with Corner Media


I got a text late in the afternoon saying there is space on the boat, do I want to join a fishing expedition? Fishing in Brooklyn? On a hot Friday night? With cool people? Yes! Let me figure out babysitting.


Most fish were about this size. Yet, the rumor is that people charter a boat and catch fish for the freezer.



Is is ok to eat the fish out of Sheepshead Bay? The New York Department of Health advises women under 50 and children under 15 not to eat fish from in and around New York. There goes my plan of stocking up the freezer.


Not that this would make a meal for more than one person.



I’d pay to go out on the boat again, fish or no.  The salt air!


The sunset!


The company!

I love boating on salt water!