#29–Coney Island in the Winter

April 2014 630


Coney Island isn’t just for summer fun. It’s eerily beautiful with a blanket of snow.

April 2014 627


The amusement parks close after Halloween. The board walk and the beach, though, are always open and always free.


April 2014 594


Our trip to Coney Island started at the New York Aquarium which is still recovering from Hurricane Sandy. It took about 5 minutes to walk through the aquarium. I’m hoping more will be open this summer.

Coney Island

The parts of the aquarium that have been renovated are new, clean, and informative. The windows are wide and low, perfect for kids. There are a number of interactive exhibits, including this boat. They are doing, among other things, extensive coral research.

We will be back. We have a membership and the aquarium is on the Q train.  I’m looking forward to following its improvements and enjoying Coney Island during all the months.



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